The CSO Forum Mid-Year Summit– the premium event for enterprise security decision makers – was held in Bangalore recently. Attended by the country's top CSOs, the event saw the most relevant and topical security issues getting discussed. The day-long event, attended by more than 60 CSOs, addressed such topics as DDoS attacks, data protection and the legal regime, identity thefts, security for digital payments, and mitigating risks and maximizing business efficiency.
The day started with a session by Amod Malviya, Senior VP & Head - Engineering, Speaking on the topic of 'Integrating Security Into the Application Development Process,' he said CSOs were operating under the illusion that their enterprises were secure. However, there were gaping holes in their security infrastructures, and they needed to become more proactive.
Vishal Salvi, Senior VP and CISO, HDFC Bank, called for all the banking CSOs to come together so as to approach and overcomesecurity issues collectively.“Today, when I approach a merchant and ask him to be compliant, he can simply approach another bank. So, since the banks don’t talk to each other, merchants take advantage of this situation. The need of the hour, therefore, is to get the CSOs and the business people, who are into merhcant on-boarding, together.The first challengeis bridging this gap and then going collectively,” Salvi said.
The other speakers, and their presentation topics, included Sajai Singh, Partner, Event J Sagar Associates & President, ItechLaw (CyberSecurity & the IT Act), Tarun Gupta, Senior Technical Consultant, Trend Micro (Combating Security Issues in Evolving Times), Sivasubramanian Valan, Regional Manager - Systems Engineering, Fortinet, (Connect and Secure: Bringing the Network Together), K S Naraynan, Head Information Risk Management, ING Vysya Bank (Protecting Banking Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks), Nakul Taluja, Manager Channel Sales, Cyberoam (Harnessing Disruptive Trends Securely), Aditya Menon, Managing Director - Mobile Strategy, Citi (Security for Digital Payments - Challenges and Solutions),and Jagdish Mahapatra, Managing Director -India & SAARC, McAfee (Connected Security to Mitigate Risk & Maximize Business Efficiency).CSO Forum is envisioned to be a community- led and community-driven platform on corporate security issues which draws on peer engagement and collective wisdom to promote best practices/benchmarks.
At the Event[image_library_tag 286/8286, title="cso-cafe" alt="cso-cafe" width="448" height="298" border="0" ,default]
CSOs in discussion during the Ideas Cafe. The innovative format saw CSOs being divided into six groups. Each group discussed one security topic on a table before moving to the next.
Burgess Cooper, CISO, Vodafone (standing, left) and Sunil Varkey (standing, right) interacting with peers during the Ideas cafe.
(Left) M V Sheshadri, CSO, India Infoline in discussion with Samuel Sathyajith, Country Manager India & SAARC, Arbor Networks, during the tea break.
Aditya Menon, Managing Director - Mobile Strategy, Citi providing his perspective.
Sajai Singh, Partner, J Sagar Associates & President, ITechLaw delivering his presentation on 'CyberSecurity & the IT Act' during the Summit.
Arun Goyal, Sr VP & Head IT Infra & TechnologyConsulting at MPS Limited asks a question duringone of the presentations at the event.
Опираясь на длительный навык
Опираясь на длительный навык в этом вопросе и профессиональную бригаду экспертов, по [url=очистка ёмкостей питьевой РІРѕРґС‹[/url], промывка канализации, прочистка дренажа, монтаж водоподъёмной трубы в скважине[/url], очистка дренажной канализации, очистка ёмкостей питьевого водоснабжения, очистка обсадной колонны скважины, очистка трубопроводов высоким давлением и т.д. Данные услуги обширно применяются в разных ориентированности, например таких как ирригация, сельское хоз-то, комерческий или жилой комплекс. Вся наша команда спецов располагает многолетним жизненным опытом в данных областях, все это даёт возможность нам производить данные сервисы такие услуги как ремонт скважины, капитальный ремонт скважины, прочистка дренажа, автоматизация скважин, установка пьезометрических трубок, поставка водоподъёмных колонн, замена водоподъёмной трубы в скважине, очистка трубопроводов высоким давлениемочень быстро и оперативно. Представленные услуги постоянно эксплуатируются всеми нашими клиентами за их быстрое совершение и конкурентноспособную ценовую политику.
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