Exposed: Gaping Security Holes in iPhone

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Exposed: Gaping Security Holes in iPhone

JailbreakMe 3 is out on the streets. Released on 6th July by a hacker going by the name of Comex, JailbreakMe 3 is capable of allowing iPhone and iPad users to break through the circle of protections and start running unauthorized apps on their devices. All you need to do is pay a visit to But the tool has also exposed security vulnerability in iOS that can be used by any hacker through a simple process of reverse engineering JailbreakMe 3.

JailbreakMe 3 uses the vulnerabilities in how the iOS uses PDF files to get past the security system. Nothing stops a hacker from gaining control of the device by using the same strategy. A patch is already in existence to take care of this vulnerability. But the strange thing is that it is not Apple that created the patch. It is the creation of Comexs hacking team. But there is catch. The patch, called PDF Patch2 can only be installed on jailbroken iPhones and iPads and not on those that are running legitimate apps.

It is commonly believed that those who jailbreak their iPhones to install all kinds of unapproved applications, might leave their devices open to cyber-criminals. But now hackers like Comex are showing that the popular wisdom might be wrong: the cutting edge advances in jailbreaking techniques ensure that those who hack their own iPhones might be having safer devices as compared to those who dont.

There is no doubt that Apple is already working on the vulnerability and an official patch will become available in weeks if not days. Yet it is still a cause for concern that the company has allowed this issue to linger for so long.

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You favourite iPhone or iPad could be taken over by a hacker, even if you are running approved set of apps.