Pilots are transforming into Projects

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Pilots are transforming into Projects

Customers process data at each scale and distribute insights to each decision-maker on the field.says Akbar Ladak Senior Consultant & Innovation Evangelist, CTO Office | Wipro Limited

Q. Is big data justifying its value?

Big Data is absolutely delivering on value. Our customers who have chosen Hadoop, NoSQL and associated tools have managed not just to save substantially vis--vis traditional IT, but also to enable functionality that was earlier not possible from a commercial standpoint. With big data, we have enabled customers in Telecom, Insurance, Banking and Retail to deploy analytics capabilities at a fraction of the price of traditional IT systems. We also empower them to process data at each scale and distribute insights to each decision-maker on the field. Big data has freed data-driven insights from the confines of the corner office.

Q. Do customers consider big data to be a big deal?

We have had resistance from customers initially especially in . However, that has reduced substantially in the past two quarters. Of late, customers approach us themselves, convinced about big data and the need to deploy it. They now want us to formulate their big data strategy and transform their key business processes, including the insights that big data delivers. Earlier the discussion focused on What is Big Data? Now, customers talk about the timelines and deliverables of big data.

Q. Is big data just another analytical tool?

Big data is not just another analytics tool. However, it allows analysis of data on a scale which was not possible earlier. Data collection has become easier and cheaper. Cost of data storage has also decreased. Big data enables reduction in the cost of data processing and analysis to gain business insights. This completes the missing link that truly enables a data-driven enterprise.

Q. Is big data on pilot mode or is it being exploited?

Pilots that have been going on for the last 2-3 quarters are being transformed into projects and are going into production.

Q. Has it made a significant difference to IT decision makers?

It has absolutely made a significant difference to IT decision makers. Decision makers who are ahead of the curve are convinced of cost savings that big data could fetch, almost up to 50 per cent. They come to us after carefully analysing the nuances of big data, and our discussions centre around which business processes should be transformed first and how. This is a sea-change from the norm. It is fair to say that big data is changing the face of IT and the thought process of IT decision makers.

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