Gaming to Exceed $74 Billion in 2011, says Gartner

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Gaming to Exceed $74 Billion in 2011, says Gartner

Gartner has come up with a new report saying that during the next five years the gaming ecosystem will continue to undergo major technology and business model transitions, which will lead to phenomenal growth. The gaming spend in 2011 will be in excess of $74 billion, that is up by almost 10% from spending of around $67 billion in 2010. By the year 2015, the spend will increase to $112, with online games such as Farmville and Cityville growing even more popular on social networks.

The report states that currently online gaming accounts for $11.8 billion of gaming spend. This will go up to $28 billion by 2015, as the trend of people buying more and more virtual goods and digital subscriptions to games continues. The largest gaming market will continue to be the software games, such as mobile phone apps. This year such games will account for $44.7 billion of the total spend.

In the field of gaming software market, mobile gaming will witness the highest growth, with its share growing from 15 percent in 2010 to 20 percent in 2015.

Tuong Nguyen, principal research analyst at Gartner, says, As the popularity of smartphones and tablets continues to expand, gaming will remain a key component in the use of these devices. Although they are never used primarily for gaming, mobile games are the most downloaded application category across most application stores. For this reason, mobile gaming will continue to thrive as more consumers expand their use of new and innovative portable connected devices.

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Gaming on smartphones and tablets will continue to thrive as more users start downloading games from app stores.